Kris Gethin 8-Week Hardcore Calculator

Dramatic results will require a dramatic change to how you view the food you eat. Get ready to get seriously systematic with your nutrition, and see it pay off in the mirror!

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This calculator is from Kris Gethin's 8-Week Hardcore trainer, designed as one of the most extreme transformation programs out there. This is not a one and done meal plan tool; your calories and macronutrient totals will vary week by week—and even day by day—based on your changing body weight and body composition. When we said hardcore, we meant it! Start your exciting 8-Week Hardcore transformation today!

Nutrition Calculator

Percent Bodyfat
Weight: 0 pounds
Body Fat Percentage: 0 %
Lean Body Mass: 0 pounds
For Week: Select a Week
PROTEIN: 0 g of lean protein per day.
(0 g x lbs of lean body weight)
(Training Day):
0 g of starch carbs daily.
(0 g x lbs of leanbody weight)
(Active Rest Day):
0 g of starch carbs daily.
(0 g x lbs of lean body weight)